John O'Sullivan

Click here for My "Manifesto"

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I believe that if the whole world switched to a vegan diet
incidence of cancer, arthritis, heart disease and most
common illnesses would be reduced by 90% or more.

Click here for Pulp Fiction - Samuel L. Jackson
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on the B&N or Waterstones links instead.

Below is my Manifesto about my history of schizophrenia and how I treated it by quitting
drugs, smoking and beer and going on a vegan, and ultimately fruitarian diet.
Later parts of the article describe my views on the killing, and factory farming,
of animals, treatment of disease through proper diet, electricity, the conflict
between Muslims and Jews, the Mark of the Beast (666) in Revelation,
Abortion, Jews and Judaism, Muslims and Islam, Zack de la Rocha
and Rage Against the Machine, UFOs and alien abductions
and A Design For Life inspired by The Garden of Eden.
The article is free. Click here to open/download it.

              cover 2


This book contains my 'Manifesto' and my ideas for the prevention,
 treatment, and often cure of many common illnesses through
a plant based diet. I advocate a vegan diet but I am
leaning towards a stricter diet consisting of
raw or dried fruits and nuts.

diet cover

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This short book highlights some seemingly nonsensical verses, contradictions
and inconsistencies that I came across when reading The Standard King
James Version of The Holy Bible. These prove (to me at least) that The
Holy Bible is not the infallible, and inerrant, Word of God. I am
not an atheist and I’m keeping an open mind about
Jesus Christ and what the Bible says about Him.

Click here to download a free PDF of the book.
Paperback versions should be available from
online booksellers. See the links below.


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Below is my autobiography which describes my schizophrenia and
living with fear for twenty seven years. The book describes how
I conquered my fear through quitting drugs, cigarettes and
beer and going on a strict vegan diet. The Magic
Mushrooms in the title is, for me, symbolic
of the wonder and beauty that can be
found in nature. I care for animals
and support PETA.

magic mushrooms cover

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This book is about my thirty years long battle with schizophrenia.
How I treat it using natural methods such as quitting smoking,
recreational drugs, strong alcohol and beer and going on a
vegan diet. I have a lot to say about antipsychotic drugs
that I am forced to take against my will and that I
consider to be highly poisonous and
do me more harm than good.

schizo cover

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Click here for a free PDF of the book.

This short document describes my view of A.I.
and the world we live in.

Click here for a free PDF of this document

thoughts cover



John O'Sullivan

24th January, 2025
